Kent Automatic Fire Curtain

Kent Automatic Fire Curtain

Kent Automatic Fire Curtain

The Kent Automatic Fire Curtain is a standard rolling-type curtain designed to provide up to 3 hours of fire resistance. Crafted with high-performance fibreglass fabric, it is housed within a compact head box installed above the ceiling, remaining invisible until activated upon fire alarm. Its gravity fail-safe mechanism ensures prompt deployment upon fire alarm activation, guaranteeing swift and effective fire separation.


  • Utilization of High-Performance Fire-Resistant Fabrics
  • Rigorous Testing to BS EN and UL standards
  • Third-party accreditation by Certifire
  • Oversize Certification
  • Radiation Protection
  • Tested in Single and Multiple Roller Orientations


  • Fire Resistance: BS EN 1634-1:2014
  • Smoke Control Test: BS EN 1634-3:2014
  • Fabric Testing: BS 476 Pt 6 & Pt 7, Class 0
  • Impact Test: BS 5234-2:1992, BS 8524-1:2013
  • Tested to UL 10D & UL 1784
  • BS EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009


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