Smoke & Fire Separation Without Compromising Design : Kent Automatic Accordion Fire Curtain

Smoke & Fire Separation Without Compromising Design : Kent Automatic Accordion Fire Curtain

Kent automatic accordion curtain smoke & fire separation solution without compromising design

Atrium, Escalator/Stairway Voids: Safety and Design Solutions

Atriums and escalator/stairway voids are central, open-air spaces in buildings that enhance natural lighting and multi-level connectivity. However, these elements can also facilitate the spread of smoke & fire, posing significant safety challenges. Traditional separation mechanisms like fire shutters, glass down stands, and standard fire curtains often require support structures, compromising the open space design.

Kent’s Automatic Accordion Curtain: The Ideal Solution

Kent’s Automatic Accordion Curtain offers a seamless fire separation solution for atriums and stair/escalator voids without the need for unsightly support columns, preserving the aesthetic integrity of the design. These curtains can fully or partially cover perimeters without structural supports in the corners. Tested and compliant with UL & BS EN standards, they provide up to 3 hours of fire integrity.

Key Features and Benefits

1.Concealed Design    :  The curtain remains hidden above the ceiling in a headbox, descending during a fire alarm activation through a fail-safe mechanism.
2.Controlled Descent : Multiple stages of descent allow safe evacuation in stairway or escalator voids.
3.Advanced Options : Includes obstruction sensors, emergency override switches, and activation horns for enhanced safety.

Proven Performance

Kent’s Accordion Curtains have been successfully installed in prestigious projects like Wow Hotel, Dubai, and ION Mall, Singapore.

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